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Wayne Onward Plan is Adopted!

After over fifteen months of dedicated work by community members from throughout the County and the leadership of a volunteer steering committee, the Wayne Onward comprehensive plan was adopted by the County Commissioners on November 28th. The plan includes 15 priority recommendations and dozens of others organized into several themes…

Draft Plan released!

After a year-long, countywide planning effort, we are excited to present the draft Wayne Onward Comprehensive Plan to the community! At the core of this planning work was a robust public engagement process including two rounds of public workshops and a culminating Open House. During the process, hundreds of people…

Open House was a success…now the show is hitting the road!

On June 25, community members gathered at the Wayne County Administration Building for the Wayne Onward Open House. This was the third of three rounds of public engagement in the Wayne Onward process. Participants were able to view display boards that 1) provided background information about the Wayne Onward process,…

Attend the Open House!

Join the Wayne Onward planning team and Steering Committee to share your comments and priorities on the County’s comprehensive plan update! Following a brief presentation, participants will have the chance to view and comment on displays with ideas and draft recommendations for the plan in a casual setting at their…

Opportunities Workshops were a success!

Over two days, more than 100 community members participated in four Opportunities Workshops held throughout the County. These workshops are the second of three rounds of public engagement in the Wayne Onward process. A brief presentation was given about what was heard at the first round of public engagement, as…

Join us at the Opportunities Workshops!

Everyone who cares about the future of Wayne County is invited to share their ideas for the future at a second round of public engagement for the Wayne Onward planning process. During these highly interactive workshops, participants will have the opportunity to share their perspective on initial planning concepts after…

Hundreds share their vision for the future

From October through December 2018, community members had the opportunity to participate in workshops and online activities to provide big picture ideas for the future of Wayne County. Four Focus on the Future workshops, held in different locations throughout the County, and online opportunities resulted in over 700 unique comments…

Wayne County Comprehensive Plan kicks off!

All who care about the future of Wayne County are invited to join us at one of the Focus on the Future workshops—Wayne Onward’s first round of public engagement. Whether you are a new or life-long resident, your perspective is vital to success. There are four opportunities to share your…