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Draft Plan released!

By 08/22/2019April 12th, 2021News

After a year-long, countywide planning effort, we are excited to present the draft Wayne Onward Comprehensive Plan to the community! At the core of this planning work was a robust public engagement process including two rounds of public workshops and a culminating Open House. During the process, hundreds of people participated and 1,750 individual comments were collected. This input combined with technical analysis helped produce a draft plan that is reflective of the values and goals of the community.

The plan includes 15 priority recommendations that emerged as most critical and dozens of others that can be implemented over the long term. Key themes that arose from the process included balancing rural character and growth, improving land use tools, providing housing options, and supporting parks and trailways.

The public can continue to view and comment on the draft plan over the next week. The Wayne Onward Comprehensive Plan is expected to be finalized September 2019. A Planning Commission hearing will also be scheduled and the public is invited to attend (details will be shared on this website). If you have any comments to the draft plan, please email You can find the draft plan in the resources section or at this link.

The planning team is grateful to the hundreds of people who participated in this important process and we look forward to next steps in implementing the recommendations.