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For the first time in more than a decade, Wayne County is updating its comprehensive plan. Wayne Onward is an effort to create an authentic community-driven vision for the future of the County.


This vision will identify qualities of the County that should be preserved, respond to current development trends, and bring people together to address key planning issues. The plan is a tool to prepare for change and acts as both a business plan and guide-book for decision-makers. Wayne Onward will keep the County a desirable place in which to live, work, play, and invest. Community engagement is an essential part of the comprehensive planning process, and all community members are invited to be a part of creating it.

The Process

From its start, the planning process will span approximately one year. The public engagement process kicked off in November of 2018 and the next opportunity to get involved is March 2019.

Why should you participate?

This is a special opportunity.

This is a special moment for the community, so you won’t want to miss out on participating. Now is the time to come together and think about the future of Wayne County.

You are the expert.

If you live, work, or play in Wayne County we need your input! Your ideas and your feedback will ensure that this vision and comprehensive plan reflects the authentic voice of the community.

Planning is the first step to action.

Wayne County’s comprehensive plan was adopted 1997 with an audit in 2007. While many of the County’s core values haven’t changed, Wayne Onward will update the plan to address current trends and planning issues through projects, policies, and programs that will shape the County’s future.

Who is involved?

Steering Committee

Process and outreach

A citizen Steering Committee is helping to guide the public process and the plan’s recommendations. The group is representative of the County’s many diverse interests.


Targeted input

Individuals with specific interests or expertise will be engaged to provide insight during Wayne Onward’s process.


Input and feedback

Widespread public involvement is vital to Wayne Onward’s success. A number of in-person workshops and online tools will offer a variety of ways for the community to give input throughout the process.

Staff / Advisors

Project management and local knowledge

County staff will support and help to coordinate the work and will also provide local knowledge and expertise to each element of the plan.

Elected Officials

Guidance and Adoption

Elected officials will help give direction for the plan. The final plan will be formally adopted by the County Commissioners who will have a central role in its implementation.


Process leadership and expertise

The Planning NEXT team will work closely with the Steering Committee and staff to facilitate the process and share experience from other successful communities nationwide.